No-show Blinken



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Three weeks ago, the House Foreign Affairs Committee released an in-depth report detailing all the reasons why the withdrawal from Afghanistan was such a catastrophe. What was unveiled by this two-year long report was damning.
Above all, every level of the Biden-Harris Administration exhibited gross negligence in withdrawing our troops, our contractors, our partners, and our equipment. The most shocking of all is the fact that during this entire episode, Secretary of State Antony Blinken was vacationing in the Hamptons.
There is no doubt in my mind: Secretary Blinken owes the American people answers and a sincere apology. That is why the House Foreign Affairs Committee issued a subpoena to demand transparency.
However, he decided to defy the subpoena and wine and dine with U.N. diplomats in New York instead of answering questions from Congress.
The 13 Gold Star families deserve answers, our service members deserve answers, the American people deserve answers. Just when we thought we arrived at that point, Antony Blinken boarded a plane and disappeared in the blink of an eye.
Yet, we won’t let him just get away.
That’s why the House Foreign Affairs Committee voted today to hold the secretary of state in contempt of Congress. Blinken views our service members as disposable so that’s why he didn’t dare to show up.
I will continue to call on the Biden-Harris Administration to answer questions. They can’t run out the clock on us.
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It is an honor to represent you in Congress.

Brian Mast
United States Congressman