Votes you make in November, Count!

Please be aware that your local votes, and the votes you make in November, Count! As the Wall Street Journal Opinion Article linked below discusses, your vote in November could end up with results a lot closer to home than you might expect.

For those of you who don't know, the State Government already has the power, via the legislative branch, to override local development decisions. The most recent example of this is the recently passed Live Local Act, which no matter your view of the statute itself, does restrict what projects a local government may deny in Commerical, Mixed-Use and Industrial zoned areas.

To have a candidate for the presidency decide to make a statement about the Federal Government getting involved in local development decisions, as well, is more than a little concerning.

If You Like Your Town, Can You Keep It?

Kamala Harris appears set to impose federal control over state and local zoning and land-use policy.

Read in The Wall Street Journal:

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