Take Action Now: Help the Florida Chamber Oppose Bill to Overturn Historic Lawsuit Abuse Reforms to Be Heard Thursday

Florida Chamber Opposes Bill to Overturn Historic Lawsuit Abuse Reforms to Be Heard Thursday
House Bill 947, filed by Representative Omar Blanco, will undo a portion of the Florida Chamber-led, hard-fought lawsuit abuse reforms passed in 2023, eliminating “Transparency in Damages” and allowing inflated billed medical damages to be presented in court. This change would reinstate an abusive legal practice that drives up the cost of litigation and, ultimately, the cost of living and doing business in Florida. This bill that reverses course and worsens Florida’s already bottom-five legal climate, costing Florida families over $5,700 annually, will be heard Thursday in the House Civil Justice & Claims Subcommittee.
Contact Your Lawmaker Today and Stand Against this Harmful Legislation!
Take a moment to urge your lawmaker to oppose HB 947 and protect the crucial lawsuit abuse reforms that helped improve Florida’s lawsuit abuse climate and eliminate inflated medical damage claims. Reinstating these practices would once again enable those seeking to exploit the system to artificially inflate medical damages—driving up litigation costs, insurance premiums, and everyday costs for Floridians.
Contact Your Lawmaker
Why it Matters:
HB 947 eliminates a key provision of Florida law that ensures juries receive accurate and transparent information about the actual costs of medical treatment in personal injury and wrongful death cases. Without this safeguard, juries are able to base verdicts on artificially inflated “sticker prices” rather than the real amounts paid for medical care. This change would once again empower plaintiff lawyers and unscrupulous medical providers working together to manipulate medical costs and artificially inflate the cost of litigation.  
Florida’s bottom-five legal climate already costs each family an extra $5,768 in higher expenses on essentials like groceries, gasoline, and insurance. HB 947 threatens to undermine Florida’s competitiveness, increasing costs for consumers and rolling back the necessary reforms from 2023 that are just beginning to deliver relief to Floridians.
  Engage in Our Efforts
To engage in our efforts or provide feedback on the proposed legislation, please contact Chad Kunde, Director of Business Climate & Governance Policy, at ckunde@flchamber.com.