And the Sheriff says...

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FOR YOUR INFORMATION...At a recent community meeting hosted by the United Way the Martin CountSheriff explained that his deputies cannot randomly approach people who might look like immigrants to ask whether they are legal.  It is not, in fact, a CRIMINAL ACT to be in our country illegally.   Crossing the border without paperwork is criminally prosecutable.  But, simply being in the US as an illegal alien is only a CIVIL breach.   Having clarified that, Sheriff Budensiek explained that it is ERO, ICE’s Enforcement and Removal Operations that his office is assisting as much as they are able.  He stated that this effort isn’t costing the Martin County Taxpayers anything directly.  The funding is state and federal.  For Florida’s part, since January, Gov. DeSantis has allocated $298.8 million tax dollars toward immigration enforcement.

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