Federal Rules Impacting Florida Businesses: Chamber Files OSHA Heat Comments

Florida Chamber Outlines Concerns with OSHA Heat Rule on Behalf of Florida Businesses
Last night, the Florida Chamber of Commerce and Florida Chamber Leadership Cabinet on Safety, Health, and Sustainability submitted formal comments in response to the U.S. Occupational Safety and Health Administration’s (OSHA) proposed nationwide heat injury and illness prevention rule for indoor and outdoor work settings. These comments reflect comprehensive feedback from key safety and industry leaders and highlight concerns about the potential disparate impact the rule as currently drafted could have on Florida’s competitiveness.
Our major concerns include an estimated $10 billion in increased labor costs annually, the unintended consequences of a blanket one-size-fits-all approach hindering our efforts to make Florida the safest, healthiest, and most sustainable state in America, and the outsized impact on Florida’s key economic sectors, including, but not limited to, agriculture, manufacturing, construction, mining, utilities, and tourism.  

  • To view the full comments submitted to OSHA, click here.
  • To read more on the Florida Chamber's efforts on heat safety, click here.
What are your thoughts on the OSHA heat rule or how does it impact your business? Feel free to share your feedback with me directly at cjohnson@flchamber.com
Carolyn Johnson
Vice President of Government Affairs
Florida Chamber of Commerce
136 S. Bronough Street, Tallahassee, FL 32301
P: 850.521.1235 | C: 407.913.3400
www.FloridaChamber.com | Follow us on Facebook & Twitter

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