VITAS Healthcare


Personal Services and CareHOSPICE

About Us

VITAS Healthcare coordinates care around the wishes and goals of individuals and families throughout the Treasure Coast. For over 40 years, VITAS has provided Floridians near the end of life with comfort-focused care at home with a support from an interdisciplinary team - physician, nurse, social worker, chaplain, aide and a variety of volunteers and specialists. Equipment, medications and supplies are delivered to a patient's home for greater comfort, dignity and quality of life. VITAS is always available, 24/7/365 for clinical guidance and response to symptom flare-ups. Advance care planning, memorial services and bereavement support are offered to patients, families and local veterans.


Every Day is Veterans Day at VITAS Healthcare. (Edwin Nieves, Admissions Veteran Liaison achieved Level 4 Status for the program in one year through the We Honor Veterans program which provides hospices and community organizations resources and guidance to help meet the needs of America�??????????????�?????????????�????????????�???????????�??????????�?????????�????????�???????�??????�?????�????�???�??�?�¢??s Veterans and their families.)
VITAS Healthcare Administrative Professional Team.
L to R: COO Joel Wherley, EVP Patty Husted, GM Susan Acocella and CEO Nick Westfall  (On June 24th, Joel and Nick visited the Treasure Coast to present the prestigious �?????????�????????�???????�??????�?????�????�???�??�?�¢??Circle of Excellence�?????????�????????�???????�??????�?????�????�???�??�?�¢?? award to Susan for her Leadership, Quality, Growth and Performance of VITAS�?????????�????????�???????�??????�?????�????�???�??�?�¢??s fastest growing program in the country which celebrated its first year of operations, July 2020)
Volunteers are busy at VITAS wrapping holiday presents.
VITAS gives back to the community to assist food banks across the Treasure Coast.
VITAS gives back to the community to assist food banks across the Treasure Coast.
VITAS proudly donates to a homeless veterans men�??????�?????�????�???�??�?�¢??s shelter in Fort Pierce.
The star-studded Admissions Team!
At VITAS, the pet visit program is called PawPals.  VITAS trains friendly, well-behaved pets to visit patients near the end of life, accompanied by their human companion, in residential facilities as well as private homes.
VITAS commemorates resident Veterans in Assisted Living Facilities by sponsoring a Wall of Honor in recognition of their bravery and sacrifice protecting our country.
Representatives of VITAS ride in a float in the Stuart parade 2019!
Medical Director of the Treasure Coast program, Dr. Gerald Turgeon.
Senior Management celebrate an All Staff meeting in the fastest growing program in the country.  (L to R: GM Susan Acocella, Medical Associate Dr. Robert Anderson, PCA Andrea Adkins, and Medical Director Dr. Gerald Turgeon)
VITAS awarded the Volunteers in Medicine (VIM) in Stuart a grant of $25,000 to assist in providing free healthcare for those who have no access to care.
VITAS Suites at Tiffany Hall Nursing and Rehabilitation Center in Port St. Lucie is a home away from home for patients near the end of life and their families in the Treasure Coast.