RLE Go Fore It Foundation

RLE Go Fore It Foundation

Non Profit and Community OrganizationsNON PROFIT/CHARITIES

About Us

RLE Go Fore It Foundation

The RLE Go Fore It Foundation is a nonprofit organization dedicated to empowering young individuals to explore new opportunities, and pursue their passions. Founded by Christopher Everett, the foundation uses golf to fulfill its mission of supporting the personal and professional growth of young people by way of exposure, mentorship and scholarships.

Through initiatives such as scholarships, mentorship programs, and community events, the foundation supports students in achieving their academic and career aspirations. The RLE Go Fore It Foundation holds its Signature Golf Weekend annually the last weekend in April, at Martin Downs Golf Club & Resort. This event brings together supporters, community leaders, and young people to raise funds for scholarships and youth development programs.

At the heart of the foundation’s mission is a commitment to creating a positive impact by inspiring young people to “Go Fore It” in pursuit of their dreams.


2025 Signature Golf Weekend
RLE Go Fore It! Foundation Annual Scholarship Award
Joe Groham sharing words of wisdon
Martin Downs Golf Club and Resort owner Stanley Campbell giving a lesson
Young person being introduced to golf
Drive for show
Great fellowship
Great fellowship
Youth of the year speaker golf clubs gift
Book sign
Final instructions
First Tee partnership


Signature Golf Weekend
Signature Golf Weekend

Rep/Contact Info

Card image cap
Mr. Christopher Everett